Elastic Block Storage – EBS
Storage can be be mounted and bootable, locked to a specific AZ.
Attaches to an EC2 in the same AZ (io1/io2 can have multi-attach.
Delete on termination is default for root filesystems and disable for others (ex: Snapshots).
Have a provisioned capacity (size in GBs and IOPS).
EBS Snapshot Archive
Move a snapshot to an “archive tier” that is 72% cheaper.
Takes 24 to 72 hours to restore the archive.
Setup rules can be configured to retain deleted snapshots after accidental deletion.
Elastic File Storage – EFS
Managed NFS that can be mounted of hundreds of EC2 instances.
Support multiple AZ, but only Linux systems.
Highly available, scalable, expensive, pay per use, no capacity planning.
You can mount your Amazon EFS file systems on your on-premises data center servers when connected to your Amazon VPC with AWS Direct Connect or VPN.
EFS Infrequent Access (EFS-IA)
Storage class that is cost-optimized for files not access daily.
Up to 92% lower cost than EFS Standard.
Migration is automatic using a Lifecycle Policy.
EC2 Instance Store
High performance hard disk.
Better I/O performance than EBS.
Ephemeral storage.
Amazon FSx
Third party high performance filesystems on AWS.
Fully managed service.
FSx for Lustre
FSx for Windows File Server
FSx for NetApp ONTAP