EC2 Pricing
EC2 Pricing
Security – SIEM
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
AWS Billing and Cost Management
AWS Billing and Cost Management
Security – CIEM vs CSPM
Security – CIEM vs CSPM
AWS Firewalls
AWS Network Firewall vs WAF vs Security Groups vs NACLs
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
NoSQL Databases
NoSQL Databases
Developer tools
Developer Tools
Route 53 policies
Route53 policies
VPC Architectures
VPC Examples with subnets and gateways
IAM Security MFA
Supported MFA devices
Amazon S3 Versioning
Amazon S3 versioning
Amazon S3 Classes
S3 storage classes
AWS Outposts Family
AWS Outposts is a family of fully managed solutions delivering AWS infrastructure and services
Compute resources
Compute resources and provision
Snow family
snow family products
Migration strategies 2
Strategies for migration
Well-Architected Framework
The Well-Architected Framework is based on six pillars.
IAM Policies
IAM policies
Containers ECS and EKS
Amazon FSx
Amazon FSx options
Support Plans
aws support options
Amazon S3
AWS S3 details
EC2 Image types
EC2 instance types and pricing.
AWS Storage options
Types of Storage.
AWS Database options
Purpose-built databases for all application needs
Elastic Load Balancers
Elastic Load Balancers, Types and descriptions.
Cloud Migration
Cloud Migration Patterns.
S3 security and replication
S3 security and replication
AWS Storage Gateway
AWS Storage Gateway
AWS Simple Storage Service – S3
S3 Classes and others
AWS Storage types
Storage types
AWS Services
List of AWS services
Cloud computing
Cloud computing basics
Security and compliance services
Security and compliance. Aws solutions.
Databases, RDS, NoSql